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There are a million starting places and a million roads to a million different online solutions to a creative career or business success, all of them dripping with technical terminology and a million marketeers telling you their solution is best. For the creative or creative business, this is a million solutions too many. Time spent trying to fathom the right technology or next digital step is time away from creating. A custom digital strategy looks deeply at where you are, what you want to achieve and what resources you have to get there. Carving that one best path for you through the million trees, helps you spend money and time to best advantage. Working from an informed position is empowering. READ MORE
Digital Strategy options for musicians here.


Once upon an internet pretty things were prized and now the web is a lot about metadata, analytics, mobile usability, SEO and UX, terms which most people would like to un-hear. It’s about as fun for a business as filling out a tax return. However, most need a website for very practical reasons or need to change their website for even more specific practical reasons.
A website is an asset, a business tool, a part of the money and/or success making armoury, which can be as much about selling ideas as things.  A website is not just a front door to a business but the front room where you make friends with your audience and coax them to like your stuff.
I make custom websites, websites which do what you need them to do. Typically this used to be mostly WordPress websites but now a 360 degree digital strategy approach opens the choices to a variety of platforms and technologies, even managed platforms. Technology rightly bends to best fit, function and resource, rather than a fixed platform choice. Experience demonstrates that sometimes a simpler site can yield the best results if it’s a better fit for the client.
It’s a holistic approach fed by the latest knowledge and a deep dive into the creative/client business. It delivers a bespoke result, which looks like your brand, geared to deliver on goals and function. More here


For independent artists, emerging or established, and small creative businesses or entrepreneurial startups, the road to success requires adaptability, pivots and flexibility. It’s rare that the strategy used to get out of the starting gate will serve once initial success creates day-to-day demands on the team and actual audiences. Strategy is no longer a best guess game, it’s about data analytics, behavioural science and brand objectives. A brand strategy, digital strategy and marketing strategy all become worth their weight in gold, to maximise growth, use resources well and be able to delegate without loss control or micro-management. The process of distilling these goals & brand values into achievable strategic plans, is something normally applied further down the line once a team of experts can be afforded. This service, fills that gap, moving from ‘homemade’ to professional. It’s a deep and honest dive, a digital footprint analysis, an audience evaluation, a brand goals assessment and more. Custom, thorough and affordable, it delivers an achievable roadmap to the next career/brand benchmark.
The ‘business’ landscape for emerging artists/musicians/creative entities might hold life changing potential for the few, but can be confusing and complex for most. The internet also might have levelled the playing field making it equally possible for all-comers from anywhere to get noticed, but at the same time that’s created a flood of talent and non talent which is hard to rise above. These are some of the challenges I’ve been working with creatives to tackle, particularly many from East Africa.
I provide guidance, training, services and management, particularly around digital components like branding, footprint, distribution and marketing, all tailored for the creative sector.
The approach is a combination of consulting, workshops, digital clinics and conference speaking. A bi-product of this is my Strategy Model for Emerging Musicians and some associated services. The pro bono work in East Africa has yielded significant impact, allowing musicians to DIY a better future for their music career.
Digital Clinics, Workshops & Conference Talks by request